I would like to take a moment to talk about in my opinion the greatest singer, songwriter and entertainer the world has ever known. His name is Michal Jackson.
It is this Month August Michael would be celebrating his 53rd birthday. I remember the first time I hear a Michael Jackson record was "off The Wall" I also remember how attached to the "groove" of the music. This mind you WAY before MTV. I remember how much more delighted I was when I finally got to see him dance in the Billie Jean video.
When I first saw him do the Moonwalk I was STUNNED! This is even before we even knew what to call it. Soon after everyone one I knew was trying to dance like him (including me). As the years have gone by, not only his music but his dancing has become more and more innovative. His singing style of "vocal Hiccup" made him an innovator vocally. His choreography is literally flawless and nothing short of amazing to watch. Together with his ability to write music and lyrics make him a true artist. And as the years have gone by I have grown to be more and more a fan of everything he does.
Now when it comes to the music he has produced over the years its hard to imaging what he has accomplished. Selling over 750 million records worldwide setting a Guinness world record. It has also been estimated that no one will ever come close to reaching that number.
As a DJ a get a lot of requests for MJ. Typically people say Thriller, Smooth Criminal, Beat it or Billie Jean. So what I thought I would do is introduce you to some of my all time favorite Michael Jackson songs. I guess this is my way of broadening peoples horizons about his music. Here are is a small list of my all time favorite songs...
1 - Earth Song
2 - Off The Wall
3 - Jam
4 - Just Leave Me Alone
5 - Scream
6 - Human Nature
7 - Another Part Of Me
8 - The Closet
9 - You Are Not Alone
10 - Blood On the Dance floor
11 - Butterflies
12 - Rock My World
13 - Break Of Dawn
14 - Wanna Be Startin' Somthin'
15 - Remember The Time
So do yourself a favor. Pick up a Michael Jackson CD. Listen to the music that has not only inspired me but millions around the word. Once you do, you will then realize just how good he was. We love you Michael, you will be missed!